1 hr
90 Australian dollars50 min
From 100 Australian dollars
Private pilates sessions are now open and ready for you to book online, follow the prompts and choose a package suitable for you.
These sessions will be tailored to meet your individual needs and goals on your pilates journey. Be it technical improvement, injury or pregnancy modifications or something further, the 1 on 1 time will leave all the instructors focus on your session.
These private sessions will be taught by Dayna. Before purchase, please contact Dayna by email with your enquiry for private sessions. This is where she will create a tailored program just for you and pre plan your session times ect. If you have any questions please let us know.
Private group sessions are now open and ready for you to book online, follow the prompts and choose a package suitable for you.
These sessions will be tailored to meet each individuals needs and goals while working out as a group. Be it technical improvement, injury or pregnancy modifications or something further, the attention, room and the instructors focus is all yours.
These private group sessions will be taught by Dayna. Before purchase, please contact Dayna by email with your enquiry, date and time for a private group session. This is where she will create a tailored program for the group. If you have any questions please let us know.